I thought you were my friend

13 Sep

Well, I thought I had made friends with my new swing and that when I went to the course tonight, my new friend would be there for me.  Like so many friends, it seems like my swing is only there when its convenient for it.  The swing showed up inconsistently.  Seriously WTF?!?!

I admit, I was over-swinging the first few holes and after about the 4th hole had a few really good ball strikes.  Thank God I was putting like a fiend….except for the first hole where I 3-putted and the sixth hole where I 4-putted.  But I also had  5 2-putts, 2 1-putts, sank a 25-footer and put some 20-30 foot putts within 3 feet of the hole.

I need to try to get the swing back so I can have some distance again.  I did hit my 4H 184 yards.  Just wish I could do that consistently.

Here’s the card…



And this is what it did to my percent bogey/par measure.  At least its moving in the right direction.




I really want to play this weekend.  I’ll go out by myself if I have to.


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